Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Trubs

I thought I would share some pics of Trubs on Halloween. We were at home in Herscher, so we decided to take her over to my Grandpa's in style. She was the cutest little bumble bee in the entire world!

While we are in Herscher, Trubs is having a great time with my mom's dog Emma. Although Emma is a little older and slower, Trubs still torments her into playing. Our little pup is also enjoying her time with all my little cousins who beg to take her home with them. She sure is getting a lot of attention and love, so much so that by the time these 2 weeks are over and we head back to Virigina, I'm afraid she won't want to come with!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


It just occurred to me that I never posted anything about our newest addition to the family. (I shouldn't be that much of a shock since its been like 4 months since I've posted anything!) In September I finally convinced Andy that we just needed a puppy, and boy did I get what I was asking for. Trubs, short for Trouble, is the perfect name for our little monster.

Although there are a few hours a day where she will sweetly lay on your lap and take a nap, those moments are few and far between. Our little terror enjoys bitting toes, socks, ankles, fingers, noses, pretty much anything she can sink her teeth into. Its funny to think that a 4 pound dog can cause us to hide on the couch without a limb hanging over the edge for fear, Trubs is ready to pounce. She has other nicknames such as Jaws, Piranha, Puma, etc all with a prevailing theme.

The times where she cocks her head and looks inquisitivly at us with those big brown eyes, we forget all our wounds and think we have the cutest puppies in the world. But soon, Trubs will wander off and pee somewhere on the carpet just because she can, and we have to face reality again.

All joking aside, she is part of our family and we love her so much!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Andy's move, bday, and much more!

Ok, I'm pretty horrible at keeping this thing up to date. Lots happened since my last update. The best news is that Andy is finally in Virginia! He accepted a position with Carter Machinery (The Caterpillar dealer in Virginia) and moved 2 Sunday's ago. He got to enjoy a his week off last week before officially starting on Monday. As soon as I get to the house I will upload some new pics of the house. Its looking really good and we're finally getting most everything put away. Andy finished his hunting room, aka the spare bedroom, during his week off. As much as I hate to admit it, it looks awesome. I'm just glad I'll never have to sleep in there because there are 3 deer heads surrounding the bed and staring straight at you!

This past weekend was Andy's birthday, so we did some celebrating. I had bought tickets to see Jason Aldean in Danville Virginia some time ago to suprise him. It was an awesome concert, outdoors in an ampitheatre. We had lawn seats, but were so close, I couldn't believe it. Danville, Virginia was an interesting place. Its about 2 hours south east of Roanoke on the North Carolinia border and is a really small, kind of poor town (at least the side we were on). We did a lot of people watching, and they did not disappoint. Some lady brought her 1 month old triplett girls to the concert and just had them laying out in the grass on a blaket with the rest of the audience. Very strange!

On Sunday we hung around the house. Andy went for a hike in the woods behind our house. I decided to let him go first to check it out since there really wasn't a path! He saw some deer and then at a really thick part he heard a bear. Apparently it was sitting by a steam eating some yellow jackets. He tried to get closer, but the yellow jackets were everywhere, so he had to high tail it out of there. Its really amazing where we live with all the wildlife. Our neighboors said they've seen a bobcat and a bear in their yard. We see deer and turkeys in our yard all the time. Pretty cool! The rest of Sunday we watched a deer hunting video (Andy's bday wish) and then I made tacos for dinner. Its nice settling into a real life married couple routine!

I'm on the road all this week and will finally be back home on Thursday night. I'm actually flying to Peoria today for a quick meeting tomorrow. I wish I could stay longer to see the fam, but its just a 2 day trip! I'm looking forward to being back home on Thursday and then its about time for the weekend.

There is a big hunting/fishing/outdoor show in Salem this weekend that we are going too. I think we are going to try and squeeze in a game of golf too! Sorry its taken me so long to update. I hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Together!!

Finally the weekend I've been looking forward more than any other in the last 3 weeks. I headed to Springfield, IL to see Andy!!! We had a wedding of one of Andy's fraternity brothers to attend, but most importantly we had some bonding time to make up for after a 3 week seperation. I boarded my flight in Charlotte about an hour late, so I was worried about making my connection to Springfield, but everything worked out great and I was greeted at the gate by my favorite person in the world. We spent every minute of the weekend together and had a blast. It was nice to do normal every day tasks together again. We had a pretty eventful weekend of going to the bank, Target, watching TV and then attending the wedding. The wedding was beautiful and it was nice to see so many college friends again. We had a great time, but mostly because we were together.

Today was not a very happy day as I had to go back to Virginia without Andy. At least this time it will only be 8 days until we see each other again. We're headed to Herscher the weekend of the 4th of the July and it will be a long weekend as we are both taking Thursday off. We just can't wait until the long distance phase is over and we will be together in our new house. Andy is certainly excited also to be done with grad school. Only a few more weeks...I'm so proud of him for working so hard to get done with school in record setting time. Now he just has to find a job in Virigina and we will be set!!

Moving day

Hello everyone. I know its been a while since I've posted, but here are a few updates in our lives. My mom came down the 1st week of June to help unpack the new house. It was quite an experience as apparantly we had way more stuff that we originally expected. 2 guys came to unload all our boxes and were not too happy about the 45 degree angle drive that they had to walk up and down! Finally it was time to start unpacking and about a day into it, the electricity went out for about 30 hours. At this point its like 100 degrees and I'm a little tired of having boxes everywhere, so you can imagine the mood I was in!!! In between unpacking and getting settled, my mom and I explored the town of Salem and Roanoke. We found all sorts of cute antique shops to explore, but our favorite attraction was the Saturday Farmers Market. Andy and I can't wait to make it a weekly regular!! My mom and I had a great week, and I truly wouldn't of gotten anything unpacked if it wasn't for her!!

The new job is going well, it keeps me busy and on the road a lot, but since Andy's not here yet its ok. Its been nice because my new job allows me to spend lots of time with my Aunt Linda and Uncle Jim and their 3 kids; Cole, Luke and Sylvia in Charlotte. Its been nice to have family close by and someplace to stay besides hotels!!! Other than that we are just counting down the days till July 10th when Andy will done with school and officially moved to Virginia!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend fun

This past weekend we traveled to Columbia, MO to celebrate Andy's sis's graduation. It was a fun trip and took us back to the good old college days!! We celebrated the graduate with $4 Martini's and $1 bottles....we had so much fun!! Our boring lives have just about the same old things going on, work, work, work and Andy goes to school. Right now our apartment is a disaster!! We are in the process of moving, only a few more days left in Peoria for me. Next Thursday I'm heading down to Virgina for good (Andy will follow a few weeks later after school is out). I can't wait to move into our new house!! Its going to be so exciting although I'll miss my hubby!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1st Blog...Welcome to our Lives!!

I decided to follow my good friend Molly Ralph's lead and start a blog to keep all my family and friends updated on Andy's and I life. We have had a busy couple of moths so far. First off, we had the most amazing wedding on April 12th, 2008. The weather was horrible, but we never noticed because of all the fun we were having with our family and friends!! Thanks to everyone that made the trip to Herscher, IL. We then left bright and early the next morning for our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. An entire week of pure relaxation was awesome!! Beautiful beaches, great weather, great food and drinks, but most of all 6 days of quality time with my husband!!

Since then we've been busier than ever. I've been traveling for the last 3 weeks straight in Virginia/North Carolina preparing for my new job with Caterpillar as a Parts and Service Sales Rep located in Roanoke, VA. Andy has probably been even busier, working fulltime at Caterpillar while also trying to finish up grad school. Only 2 more classes left!!! We purchased our 1st home, which sits on a beautiful mountain with a bubbly stream passing underneath our deck. We expect many visitors!!

Waterfall pic

Waterfall pic
Trubs, Andy and I on our first fishing adventure