Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend fun

This past weekend we traveled to Columbia, MO to celebrate Andy's sis's graduation. It was a fun trip and took us back to the good old college days!! We celebrated the graduate with $4 Martini's and $1 bottles....we had so much fun!! Our boring lives have just about the same old things going on, work, work, work and Andy goes to school. Right now our apartment is a disaster!! We are in the process of moving, only a few more days left in Peoria for me. Next Thursday I'm heading down to Virgina for good (Andy will follow a few weeks later after school is out). I can't wait to move into our new house!! Its going to be so exciting although I'll miss my hubby!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1st Blog...Welcome to our Lives!!

I decided to follow my good friend Molly Ralph's lead and start a blog to keep all my family and friends updated on Andy's and I life. We have had a busy couple of moths so far. First off, we had the most amazing wedding on April 12th, 2008. The weather was horrible, but we never noticed because of all the fun we were having with our family and friends!! Thanks to everyone that made the trip to Herscher, IL. We then left bright and early the next morning for our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. An entire week of pure relaxation was awesome!! Beautiful beaches, great weather, great food and drinks, but most of all 6 days of quality time with my husband!!

Since then we've been busier than ever. I've been traveling for the last 3 weeks straight in Virginia/North Carolina preparing for my new job with Caterpillar as a Parts and Service Sales Rep located in Roanoke, VA. Andy has probably been even busier, working fulltime at Caterpillar while also trying to finish up grad school. Only 2 more classes left!!! We purchased our 1st home, which sits on a beautiful mountain with a bubbly stream passing underneath our deck. We expect many visitors!!

Waterfall pic

Waterfall pic
Trubs, Andy and I on our first fishing adventure