Thursday, September 30, 2010

Its a....

GIRL!!! I am so excited to tell everyone that Andy and I are having a healthy baby girl!! During the ultrasound she was moving around like a crazy little thing so we got to see all of her body parts. It was amazing how much she looks like a real baby at this point. You could see all of her little fingers and toes, bones and organs.
I was so excited this morning that I woke up at like 6am just waiting for it to be 8:30 so I could have my appt. It kind of reminded me of Christmas morning when I was a kid. The entire 5 months I have sworn up and down it was a boy; mostly mentally preparing myself, but secretly I was hoping for a girl. I even wore a pink shirt to the ultrasound for some extra luck! Really, I didn't care that much, but all the little girl clothes are so cute and all of my friends just had little girls that I wanted to also.

All in all, she is healthy and that is what matters most. We are so excited and can't wait to meet her in about 4 months!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 20

Well I officially started my 20th week (5th month) of pregnancy. It is crazy how fast it is going!! So tomorrow is the big day...we have our ultrasound and get to find out if its a boy or girl!! We are sooo excited and sooo ready for tomorrow to be here. I feel like we are at a standstill until we know as I want to color coordinate things and pick out some gender specific items. Since we won't be living here in VA by the time we have a 2nd baby, I feel I can go all out and be more gender specific with my decorating, which will be fun!

So does anyone have any final guesses??? Andy thinks girl and I think boy (along with most of our family!!) I guess we will just have to wait a few more hours to find out.

I will post a picture of my expanding belly later this week. I'm for sure showing, but most people are not that impressed with my bump. I'm ok with postponing my hugeness until we get later into the pregnancy! Its getting difficult enough for my long car trips for work that I don't need any extra weight adding to the uncomfortableness.

I finally started to feel the baby move last week. Its not all the time, but everyone once and a while I will feel this flutter in my stomach. To be honest, at first I thought it was indigestion or gas (TMI I know) so I didn't pay much attention, but then I was sitting in a meeting one day and just kept feeling these little flutters in my stomach and I was like, "Oh my gosh, I think this is the baby I'm feeling". Its so weird and exciting to feel. I can't wait until Andy can feel the kicks on the outside of my stomach as he really wants to feel it too!!

Check back tomorrow for an exciting update!!

Waterfall pic

Waterfall pic
Trubs, Andy and I on our first fishing adventure